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Insecticidal soap

The Difference Between Insecticide and Insecticidal Soap

    What Is The Difference Between An Insecticide And An Insecticidal Soap? The difference between insecticide and insecticidal soap is its action on insects. Insecticides try to kill insects by poisoning or by disrupting transmissions between synapses, meanwhile, insecticidal soap works by breaking down the cellular structure of the insects. Insecticidal soap is a relatively simple… Read More »The Difference Between Insecticide and Insecticidal Soap

    earthworm at the surface

    Will pesticides kill earthworms?

      Yes, certain types of pesticides can kill earthworms if not used with care. Earthworms are beneficial for maintaining healthy soil. However, pesticides may be applied without causing a reduction of earthworms population if you follow some rules in order to minimize the effect of pesticides. Under normal environmental conditions, however, the pesticides don’t reach the… Read More »Will pesticides kill earthworms?