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The best insecticides for carpet beetles and how to use them

    carpet beetles

    varied carpet beetles

    So you wonder what pesticides can fight against carpet beetles?

    The best carpet beetle insecticides are, in no particular, as follows:

    One of the best. Being also in-door friendly, this insecticide is quite easy to apply. Just spray the dust around the infested/suspected places by using a pest pistol mini duster or by applying it with a paintbrush and you are good to go.

    It also works as a potent barrier/repellent.

    Another solid choice. It also comes with an extended-reach wand with multiple spraying settings. It works by simply spraying it on the required areas. It is incredibly effective, versatile (as it deals with a large variety of pests) and it is pet/kid-friendly if used as indicated on the label.

    This means that they are prohibited to enter the area until the product is done being absorbed. And it is odor-free, so that is a plus.

    Just like the aforementioned spray variant, it is incredibly efficient, it combats a lot of pests and it is kid/pet-friendly, provided you follow the package indications.

    This means that they are prohibited to enter the area until the product is done being absorbed. However, this one is for the outsides, but can also be used on the insides, for potted plants. For usage, apply 1 to 2 pounds over a 1,000 square feet area of lawn using a spreader.

    For the best results, the area should be watered after application.

    Being a concentrated insecticide, this one is a very hard hitter, since an 8 oz bottle requires to be diluted (if entirely applied) in 30 gallons of water. After that, use a pesticide sprayer and spray away.

    It is incredibly deadly to pests, it is odorless and does not leave marks. It is also pet/kid-friendly, however, you will need to keep them away from the affected areas until they have dried. As for toxicity, it will be toxic if you do not handle it properly, as in handling it without protective gear.

    Being the least toxic of the bunch, those traps are arguably the safest, since they do not involve toxic chemicals or other such things. The pheromones used on this trap to attract pests are non-toxic, pesticide-free and are harmless to kids and pets, being best used indoors.

    This is due to how they cover smaller areas than conventional pest removal methods and that wind can negatively affect the pheromones.

    For application, follow the packaging, simply remove the protection paper, place them where needed and let them do their job. The pheromones also screw with the mating cycles of the pests.

    carpet beetles

    How to apply the pesticides

    Get rid of carpet beetles in rooms

    For rooms, and this will apply for everything else in this list, do not use the pesticides on every surface available, unless the packaging recommends so. Aim for tight spaces, cracks, access points. Also, do not use pesticides indoors that are labeled as only for outdoor use.

    Get rid of carpet beetles in mattresses, furniture, and beds

    For mattresses, furniture (if synthetic/leather) and beds, use those that are specifically labeled as safe for such use. Then use a vacuum to suck the first wave of pests. Then, use heat/cold treatment; the heat treatment (like a hairdryer/blow-dryer) works better.

    Finally, apply the spray/dust (those are the best) and leave them there for a long while. Otherwise, inhaling them will eventually cause pulmonary problems. If the furniture is wooden, apply spray, dust or liquid-based insecticides.

    Get rid of carpet beetles on clothes

    For clothes, the best appliance would be spray/dust based insecticides. After they dry, make sure to thoroughly wash them in hot water.

    Get rid of carpet beetles in cars

    For cars, there are a few more steps. First, power-wash it, since it will get rid of many pests hiding in otherwise hidden areas. Then, vacuum every nook and cranny.

    This will also remove food and other stuff that encourages their reproduction and it is especially useful for cars with cloth upholstery. Steam-cleaning also does wonders with some pests.

    Then, according to infestation levels, choose your preferred insecticide applying methods. You could either go for sticky traps, sprays, dust or even rub some of the concentrated variants if you wish to overkill.

    Get rid of carpet beetles in kitchens

    For kitchens, be specifically careful. Remove all food, pots, pans, and dishes before application. Also, do not let any pesticide get on areas that are used for food preparation. Be patient until they dry before returning the stuff to its place and wash any surface thoroughly before cooking on it.

    Wrap up

    After everything, remove any pesticide residues, by thoroughly rinsing with water and soap. And washing them will not diminish their effects if they were allowed to properly soak-in.

    Every pesticide has an indicated time frame on the label to allow them to set in for their intended purposes. However, if you do not have much time at your disposal, you should be at least leave them until they dry.

    Where do carpet beetles come from? How do they reproduce and how to avoid them in the first place

    Most carpet beetles actually originate from the outsides, where they breed and feed on pollen and nectar.

    Their main methods of ”migrating” indoors by either flying through open doors/windows or by hitchhiking on plants, animals or even your clothing.

    Other points of access are small cracks, electrical conduits, vents, eaves, chimneys and pipe junctures, among others. And they are those who come from the outsides.

    They are usually found living and breeding on carpets, non-synthetic and woolen clothing, fur, carpets, furniture, animal dander, feathers, etc. Furthermore, they subsist on many household foods, such as dried flowers, flour-based products, and dry pet food, among others.

    As for their reproduction, it is quite a straightforward process. First, they lay their eggs (indoors/outdoors), at a rate of about 100 eggs per female, which will hatch after 35 days.

    Their larvae can also survive a few weeks without food. After hatching, they will take between 8-9 months and 2-2.5 years to mature, only to live as adults for a few weeks.

    Here lies the catch. They like to migrate a lot. So, placing insecticides in places they would pass will significantly increase your chances to remove them. Otherwise, you will risk high levels of infestation in short order.

    Tips for reducing the carpet beetles

    Finally, in order to avoid them in the first place, you must keep a disciplined life.
    1. Vacuum regularly, as it will get rid of both eggs and adults.
    2. Apply steam cleaning over the vacuumed areas when possible (but not too often) with a steam cleaner.
    3. Launder your clothing, pillows and bed sheets regularly and with hot water and detergent.
    4. Wipe and/or spray suspected surfaces with vinegar-based with water. This does wonders for furniture, especially wooden furniture. Also, do this with drawers, window frames, and sills, hangers, and rugs.
    5. Preemptively apply indoor carpet beetle insecticides in the most vulnerable/hard to access places.
    6. Apply boric acid by mildly sprinkling it unto carpets, rugs, and furniture, leave it to dry and then vacuum the residue (then get rid of the vacuum bag).
    7. Use moth-balls inside drawers and storage spaces.
    8. Do not use natural rugs or clothes (they despise synthetics).
    9. They hate strong, natural light, so keep your curtains off to kill a good portion of them on sunny/hot days.

    How long does it take to get rid of them

    If you apply the aforementioned steps properly, you should be able to get rid of a full infestation in as much time as a week. Remember, they are hard to find, but not to remove, since even strong natural light can kill them. You should be able, with thorough care, to remove a good portion of them really quickly, depending on methods.

    Are carpet beetle sprays pet safe?

    For the most part, they are. Bug sprays that are made for insides are usually made to be pet-friendly. Good examples are the Orto Home Defence. There are, however, some that are harmful to them, so make sure to always read the warning labels.

    Safe and natural insecticides

    The most efficient insecticides are the chemical ones. However, if you desire the non-chemical, here are a few, of which many are quite deadly to pests:

    • Neem Oil Concentrate.
    • Garlic, mint and chilly insecticide spray – fry them in a pan, then boil them. Leave the water for 12-24 hours and then spray away.
    • Soap and lemon spray – mix natural soap, lemon juice, and water and leave them for 12-24 hours. The concoction will effectively kill the pests by suffocating them/collapsing/drying their organs. Add some cooking oil in the mix for better adherence.
    • Sticky traps.
    • Rubbing alcohol – just spray and pray.
    • Tomato leaf spray – leave the leaves in water overnight and spray away.
    • Diatomaceous earth – acts like the soap and lemon spray. Being dusty, you only need to dust it by hand.
    • Tobacco spray – put dried tobacco leaves/cigarette buts in water overnight and spray away.

    How to get rid of carpet beetles naturally

    As already specified, the best natural solutions are:

    1. Washing and vacuuming regularly.
    2. Applying any of the aforementioned natural insecticides.
    3. Allowing as much natural light to get into your house as possible.
    4. Regularly rubbing some vinegar on furniture, drawers and storage spaces.