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Insecticides for Orchids – A Guide to Keeping Your Orchids Pest-Free

    orchid pest control

    One of the most challenging aspects of orchid care is dealing with pests. An infestation of pests can significantly ruin the beauty of an orchid in a matter of days. Insects such as mealybugs, mites, and scales are usually at the forefront when it comes to destroying your orchids.

    But, does that mean you should sit back and watch pests kill one orchid after another? Probably not! Using pesticides has proven to be the most effective control measure when dealing with an orchids’ pest infestation. Here is a guide that will inform you of all you need to know about insecticides for orchids.

    What Insecticides Can You Use on Orchids?

    Although insecticides are excellent at controlling a pest infestation, not all of them can be used on orchids. The ideal insecticide for orchids should be mainly formulated for ornamental plants. Using a stronger insecticide might kill the pests as well as the buds and blossoms of your orchids.

    When looking for the best pesticides to use on your orchids, consider those that contain the following chemicals:

    • Malathion
    • Acephate
    • Diazinon
    • Carbaryl

    These chemicals are gentle on your orchids and are quite effective at destroying pests. However, after spraying your orchids, you should keep them out of direct sunlight. Excess heat combined with the insecticide can be hazardous for your orchids.

    Later in this article, I will give specific examples of insecticides you can you depending on the type of pest that’s affecting your orchid. Also, I will give some organic and even home-made alternatives that you can use to control pests.

    orchid pest control

    It’s always wise to spray the pesticides when the orchids are not in bloom to avoid damaging the blossoms. You will have to spray the entire plant if you are dealing with pests such as aphids because they also eat the leaves.

    Are There Organic Insecticides You Can Use?

    If you are interested in taking a more natural approach towards getting rid of pests from your orchids, you can consider organic insecticides. There are two ways on how you can go about this. There are organic insecticides that are synthetically produced from organic chemical compounds. They can be bought online or from retailers.

    You can also make use of natural compounds that can also kill these insects and also keep others at bay. The most common organic insecticides include:

    • Neem Oil – Although it has only recently become popular here, it has been used for centuries in India. Neem oil contains antifungal and astringent properties. It is also a strong insect repellent. Spraying neem oil will protect your orchids from aphids and mites. It’s, however, not toxic to flowers.
    • Cinnamon – Other than being a popular spice, its scent can keep pests from destroying your orchids.
    • Pyrethrum – It is one of the most potent organic pesticides. Pyrethrum, when sprayed on insects, it shuts down their central nervous system immediately.
    • Eucalyptus Oil – It is a safe, natural pesticide that can combat threats ranging from fungi to insect infestations.

    You can also come up with your own homemade organic insecticide by mixing neem oil or any of the above with water and spraying it directly to your orchids.

    What Pests Mostly Affect Orchids?

    The first step towards mitigating an orchid infestation is knowing which pests you are dealing with. There are some which might require more attention. And you can’t come to such a conclusion without identifying the problem. Here is a list of the pests that mostly affect orchids.

    1. Aphids

    At the top of our list are aphids because they are the most common pests that affect orchids. They come in various colors, including yellow, green, black, and red. You can find them in flower buds.

    2. Mealy Bugs

    These insects look like cotton masses and can be found in buds, stems, and growing tips. There is one type of mealy bugs that can be found on the roots. You should confirm this before spraying pesticides. Mealybugs put up a tough fight and should be sprayed more than twice.

    3. Scales

    This pest is mostly found on leaves and has a scale that shelters it from any danger. To get rid of scales, you must use a potent insecticide that can penetrate the shell or rub it off first before spraying.

    4. Thrips

    These are tiny buggers that look like gnats. Because of their small size, you might not see them with your naked eye. However, their presence can be detected by an appearance of light streaks on the leaves or flowers.

    5. Mites

    Mites mostly strike during summer. They are tiny in size and look like red dots running through the orchids.

    6. Ants

    Different types of ants can also affect your orchids, especially during summer. Ants signify the presence of other pests because they do not directly feed on orchids.

    7. Snails and Slugs

    You can spot a snail or a slug at the bottom of your orchids. They mostly prefer cool and damp spots.

    Other pests that affect orchids include mice, caterpillars, grasshoppers, roaches, and bees. Knowing the pest you are dealing with can help you choose the best insecticide that can get rid of it.

    Here is a video containing the signs and effects of each pest:

    Insecticide Treatments for Different Orchids Pests

    Insecticides for Ants in Orchids

    The presence of ants in your orchid usually signifies another type of infestation. Generally, ants do not feed directly on orchids. They are typically attracted to a substance called honeydew that is secreted by the pests that feed on your Orchids sap.

    The best way to handle such a scenario is to get rid of the ants first. That’s because ants will always protect the insects that are giving them the honeydew. To get rid of ants, you can use pyrethrum as an insecticide. If the infestation is severe, you can opt for stronger commercial insecticides such as Sevin or Malathion.

    Alternatively, you can use a solution of acephate or carbaryl based insecticide to kill the ants. You can then pour the solution outside the pot to prevent more ants from getting in.

    After doing this, you should look for signs of other pests. In most cases where you find ants, there will be scales, aphids, or mealy bugs. If your orchid leaves have turned yellow or dark, look out for mealy bugs. If there are bumps on your leaves or stems, then that could indicate the presence of scales. You can look for aphids on the buds or flowers.

    What Insecticides Can You Use for Bugs Found in Orchids’ Soil?

    Not all pests will destroy your orchids from up top. Bugs found in soil are the worst. This is because they can’t be easily spotted. The good news is, there are lots of insecticides that you can use to get rid of bugs found in Orchids soil.

    Our top options for botanical insecticides that you can use to get rid of bugs in soil include:

    • the Monterey Garden Inspect Spray
    • Garden Safe Neem Oil Extract
    • the Southern Natural Pyrethrin Concentrate

    Alternatively, you can make homemade insecticides that are equally effective at removing bugs that might eat up the roots or stem of your orchids. Examples include:

      1. Soapy water, which dehydrates insects such as aphids and mites.
      2. Beer can also be used to trap snails and slugs because they also like it.
      3. Garlic scent is very effective at repelling bugs found in soil
      4. A mixture of spray and water can repel mites and other pests found in soil
      5. A solution of isopropyl alcohol and water can kill bugs found in your orchids’ soil.

    What about Mealybugs Orchid Pests?

    Mealybugs are the most difficult orchid insects to control, closely followed by scales. They are found on all parts of the plant, including roots and undersides of leaves. To get rid of mealy bugs, you have several options when it comes to choosing an insecticide. You can rub the orchids with isopropyl alcohol or spray it.

    You can also use neem oil, insecticidal soaps, and horticultural oil. To prevent the burning of your orchid leaves, use your preferred insecticide on cold days. Or, if you do so, ensure your orchids aren’t under direct sunlight.

    Carrying Out Orchids Pest Control

    Although orchids are pest-free plants, they can, at times, be vulnerable to pest infestations. For many gardeners, dealing with pests is always an unpleasant experience. Whenever you spot an invasion, you should act immediately and appropriately.

    It’s always recommendable to start with the less toxic solution after identifying the pest you are dealing with. The ideal orchid pest control strategy that you consider should result in destroying the pests only and not your orchids. These measures include running water on your orchids or handpicking the bugs.

    You need to be very vigilant when handling pests because things can get out of hand quickly. If your first strategy is unsuccessful, you might want to use something stronger such as neem tree oil, pyrethrum, or isopropyl alcohol.

    You can then move to synthetic insecticides. It’s only after all your strategies have become unsuccessful, then you might consider calling in the professionals.

    If some parts of your orchids have been affected by the pests, you could consider cutting out the infections to prevent the spreading of any diseases. Additionally, it is always better if you prevent pest infestation instead of controlling it. Spraying any of the above insecticides can be a great prevention strategy.

    Ever Heard of Systemic Insecticides for Orchids?

    Before we wrap up on today’s topic about insecticides for orchids, we must talk about systemic insecticides. A while back, systemic insecticides were mostly used commercially, but they are slowly finding their way into the hands of small scale gardeners.

    These types of insecticides are those that are absorbed into a plant and distributed throughout its tissues, stems, leaves, and flowers. Typically, these chemicals are applied through the soil and taken through the plant’s roots. It’s only in a few cases where systemic insecticides are injected into a tree.

    One of the perks of using systemic insecticides for orchids is that they can’t be washed off. Systemic pesticides are considered safe for orchids but shouldn’t be used for vegetables and fruits.

    The Bottom Line

    Insecticides play a vital role in the growth and blooming of orchid plants. The likes of scales, aphids, mites, and mealybugs are dangerous orchid predators, and if not controlled, the damage they can do on your plants is extensive.

    However, with the right insecticide at hand, you can get rid of all types of pests that might hinder the growth of your orchids.