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Will Pesticides Kill Ticks? – What you can use


    There are some effective pesticides available online and in your local retail stores. These pesticides are designed to not only kill ticks on contact but also prevent tick infestations from spreading.

    If you live in an area that is well known for tick infestations, you need to learn as much as you can about these 8 legged parasites and the diseases that they transmit. In fact, if you spend a lot of time outdoors with your family and your pets, you should arm yourself and other family members with the information provided below.

    According to information published on WebMD, these blood-sucking pests can be found in every state in the U.S. including Hawaii and Alaska. Also, because of their widespread prevalence, Lyme disease and other diseases that ticks carry has been increasing astronomically in the Northern Central and Northeast states by as much as 300% within the last 25 years. (source)

    Therefore, ticks and the diseases that they carry should not be taken lightly.

    How to get rid of ticks

    If you see ticks on your pets or signs of a tick infestation on your property, you need to take action right away. If you do not react quickly, the chances of these ticks eating on you are much higher than you may think.


    For instance, when ticks feast on human blood, the adult female can increase its population from 1,500 eggs to 5,000 eggs in little as a few months. Therefore, you do not want your family to be susceptible to ticks or the diseases that they carry.

    To address these problems and keep them from spreading, you need to find out what types of products can be used effectively to kill the ticks that you find on your pets and any other place that they reside in your home. For instance, you need to know which products are effective and highly recommended for killing ticks on contact.

    Here is a video from Mayo Clinic explaining the right way and the wrong way to remove a tick

    What is the best product to kill ticks?

    First of all, before run out in a panic buying everything that you see on the shelves, you need to know which products are best for specific situations. For instance, you need a safe product that will kill ticks that live inside the hair of your pets, your family’s clothes, your grass, plants, and other places that they are most likely to hide.

    By finding out this information on the front end, you can implement your plan of attack. The plan that you create should consist of finding the right answers to the following.

    Are there pesticides that kill ticks on contact?

    Yes, there are pesticides that kill ticks on contact and are very effective. Read on. There are good and bad options depending on your situation.

    Now that you know enough to get you started with an immediate plan to annihilate these dangerous pests, one of the next steps is to make sure that you know how to handle these situations. For instance, if you see a tick on your dog or in on your plants, you need to handle these predicaments with care.

    More importantly, do not be tempted to pick a tick off with your nails or squash them with your fingers. To keep these pests from infecting your hands, you need the appropriate tools to remove them. In some cases, this may even require the use of tweezers to remove a tick that has fastened itself inside of the hair of your pet.

    Once these ticks have been removed, you also need to use the right products to kill it on contact. Fortunately, there are quite a few products online that can be used effectively for these purposes.

    However, you should also know that there are products and methods that will only exacerbate your problems. Here are examples of both good and bad solutions to a tick pest control problem.

    Good Option for Killing Ticks on Contacts

    Tick killer sprays are usually the best options for killing ticks on contact. In fact, one of the best products that are also highly recommended by industry specialists is Hartz Ultra Guard Plus Flea & Tick Home Spray.

    This spray is highly recommended since it will not only kill ticks on contact but also a host of other pests, including roaches, silverfish, ants, fleas, roaches, and other harmful pests that can easily hide in your home and on your property outdoors.

    Before you use this product, you should also know that this product does contain pesticides that can harm children if they come in contact with this product, too. Therefore, you may need to consider this product as a viable option for those of you who do not have small children in your home. (source)

    This is a video from RovePestControl exemplifying the use of pesticides for killing ticks:

    Bad Options that Exacerbate Your Problems

    As mentioned before some products tend to make a tick pest control problem worse, here are just a few that you should know about:

    • gasoline
    • vaseline
    • nail polish
    • rubbing alcohol
    • matches
    • ashes or fire from a cigarette

    Each of these solutions is considered to be ineffective. Based on several different industry resources, these solutions may even lead to a higher chance of your pet being infected.

    How to apply the products

    When you do your research on how to apply pesticide products that kill ticks, you need to learn as much as you can about these products. Since the applications for these products can vary from one product to another, you need to understand how to apply the different types before you use them. For instance, if you are looking for a pesticide that is considered to be safe and effective, you may want to look into using Permethrin.

    Permethrin can be described as a great option for those of you who need to spray outdoors to kill off a tick infestation. Also, if you do not have a lot of money to spend out of your budget, it is also an inexpensive alternative. Some homeowners like this type of pesticide because it does not have an overwhelming smell and it comes ready to be used.

    To apply this type of pesticide around your home, you should use a hose-end sprayer instead of a pump spray. The hose-end sprayer is easy to handle and more effective for covering larger perimeters at one time. You should also read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions before you begin your applications since ticks can detect pesticides and will retreat closer to your home. (source)

    Does malathion kill ticks?

    If you do not want any of your family to suffer from the diseases that ticks transmit to humans, you need to make sure that your plants are free of various kinds of pests including ticks. Since there are many different types of ticks in the U.S., you need to know which products are the most effective.

    So, you need to know if products like Malathion can kill ticks before you buy it. For instance, according to Malathion’s information sheet, it is a man-made insecticide, and it has been designed to control and kill pests (i.e. mosquitoes, ants, fleas, etc.) that can be found on vegetables, fruits, shrubs, and plants. Malathion can also be found in other products like pesticides that kill ticks.

    Does Sevin kill ticks?

    Sevin products are presently known as very effective in controlling ticks and their population. Their products are available in at least 3 forms including Servin Insect killer Granules, Servin Insect killer and Servin Insect Killer Ready Spray.

      • Sevin Insect Killer Granules have been designed to kill ticks in your gardens and your lawns and gardens. To release its active ingredients, water must be added after the granules have been spread.
      • Sevin Insect Killer Concentrate has been designed to treat a variety of different things around your home’s landscape. For instance, if you want to kill ticks in tall grass, bushes, shrubs, and weeds, you can use a pump spray to cover the areas that you need to pay close attention to.
      • Sevin Insect Killer Ready to Spray is normally used with a garden hose. You can spray the lawn and other plantings with a solution to kill ticks.

    Does cypermethrin kill ticks?

    Cypermethrin is highly recommended for controlling and killing off tick infestations that affect pets and humans.

    When you look up answers to questions like does cypermethrin kill ticks, you may found quite a bit of information on this insecticide. Some of this information included studies that were done on using this product to kill ticks in a farm environment. Based on the studies that were published, tick infestations can be easily controlled and annihilated.

    If you need to get rid of ticks that you find on your pets and in other places around your property, you need to know which pesticides and insecticides that can be used to completely kill off a tick infestation population.

    Fortunately, there are many different types of effective products available that can kill ticks before they spread and cause diseases that these pests carry. These products are available in different forms so they can be used for different reasons and purposes. (source)