Best Pesticides and Methods to Get Rid of Scorpions


Can pesticides kill scorpions?                                                         

In short, they sure can. Cyfluthrin, Tralomethrin, Bifenthrin, and Permethrin are only a few of the many commercially available and worthwhile pesticides which work on scorpions. And they are not limited to just simple insects but are also efficient in eliminating creatures such as scorpions.


The best pesticides that kill scorpions 

The best scorpion killers products are as follows:

It should be applied when dry (before/after rain) by spraying it over the desired areas. It is also good for indoors. However, it is a concentrated pesticide and is incredibly toxic if not diluted properly. 

It is simply applied through spraying the areas from the spray-can. Works with both indoors and outdoors.

It doesn’t need to be diluted with water and it is a real insect killer. You can spray it or use a wall injector for hard-to-reach cracks/spaces.

Just spray away, as it comes in a simple spray can.

It does not require to be diluted with water. Just pour it into the sprayer tank/applicator and spray away.

Author’s note  

Take note that whenever I say ”Spray away/apply/etc.” I am referring to applying the product wherever it is necessary, namely suspected hiding spots and access points into your house. Don’t worry if this is still not clear as this is explained below in great detail.

How To Get Rid of Scorpions

Here is a good video on this subject:

One of the best solutions to get rid of scorpions, if you own and live in a house, is to cover the exterior walls in the desired pesticide. Due to their anatomy, scorpions are a species of incredibly well-versed climbers.

Take the desired pesticide and start spraying the walls from the bottom to top, all for about 1-2 meters. This should, in essence, get rid of any pests, including scorpions that wish to climb said walls.

However, be sure not to allow a direct connection from other bodies, such as tree branches, fences, etc. If so, there are two options. Get rid of those access points or, if not possible, spray them also with pesticides.

Furthermore, if at all possible, you should never avoid spraying places such as window frames and around them, as well as doors and any other holes and points of entry.

Make sure to pay special attention to usually open entry points, such as garage doors. Scorpions are small and quite fast, so you might lose their sight in a blink of an eye.

Also, as a general rule of thumb, always remember to read the instructions and to apply the pesticides according to them. With so many manufacturers out there, such substances are bound to be different in potency and application.

What kills scorpions naturally

There are multiple ways of dealing with scorpions, without the hassle of actually having to directly fight against them.

A first method, which will impact your greenery both positively and negatively, is by getting rid of other insects. Scorpions are carnivorous, meaning that their diet mostly consists of insects. Thus, getting rid of their food source will lead them to either die or simply migrate to other areas where they can feed.

However, this will also negatively impact your garden/crop, since there are insects and other such organisms that are beneficial to plants. They are, in no particular order: (source)

  • ladybugs (feed on aphids, potato beetles)
  • praying mantises (feed on beetles, caterpillars, moths)
  • spiders (feed on a large variety of bugs, aphids, roaches, mosquitoes, fruit flies, etc)
  • ground beetles (feed on slugs, ants, Colorado potato beetles, caterpillars, cutworms)
  • minute pirate bugs (feed on spider mites, aphids, caterpillars)
  • green lacewings (feed on aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers, mealybugs)
  • hoverflies (feed on aphids, caterpillars, other similar insects)
  • damsel bugs (feed on caterpillars, mites, aphids, potato beetles, cabbage worms)
  • aphid midges (feed on aphids and other insects)
  • braconid wasps (feed on tobacco hornworm, tomato hornworm, caterpillars, aphids)
  • soldier beetles (feed on grasshopper eggs, aphids, soft-bodied insects)

Use pesticides with care

When applying pesticides, you should take into account that alongside the harmful pests you might kill the beneficial ones as well. The solution is not simple and it involves careful application of natural pesticides and containment measures, in regard to the problems at hand.

Try to avoid, at any time, applying pesticides in a general, unbiased fashion. Also, try to carefully calculate the risks of eliminating the aforementioned beneficial bugs. While being beneficial in the short-term, in the long-term your plants will most likely die from all the pests that are left unchecked.

Trim vegetation

Another way to naturally kill scorpions is to trim any vegetation. Scorpions are vulnerable to heat and dehydration, requiring shady and cool spaces

Remember, they are nocturnal creatures and will mostly emerge after sunset. Thus, removing any shady spots from your garden landscape will keep the scorpions away or contain them.

Eliminate excess moisture

Similarly, try to keep your home warm and to eliminate excess moisture (using dehumidifiers or other methods). Inside spaces are quite attractive to scorpions since they are incredibly small (easy access) and houses are quite cool and shady (especially in the summer). And they are a good place to find food.

Keep food away

A similar, sister-method to the last one, is to keep your house clean of any food sources. This goes as far as keeping food (crumbs, waste, etc) away since they attract bugs, which in turn, attract the scorpions. Sticky traps will also work nicely. A nice trick is to lace those traps with bugs since they will act as bait and draw the scorpions to their imminent doom.

Safe pesticides 

The difference between the chemical (unsafe) and the ”safe” variety of pesticides is that they pose a lesser threat to both people and the environment.

However, do not mistake them for a completely safe alternative to normal pesticides, though. There is no ”safe” pesticide out there. They are safe as they merely do not leave behind dangerous residues and are generally less harmful to beneficial insects.

Pregnant women and kids

Consider that pesticides, regardless of their safety label, are especially dangerous to kids and pregnant women. According to a 2015 research from the American Pregnancy Association, unborn babies are among the most vulnerable targets to the effect of pesticides.

This is especially so when exposure is made during the first trimester of their life in the womb. More specifically, the period when they develop their neural tube and their nervous system. And the life of the unborn baby will directly affect that of the mother (and vice versa).

Exposure towards the baby can happen quite simply, by having the pregnant mother exposed to the chemicals, namely inhaling them, skin absorption or ingestion. This will very quickly get to the baby and put both lives at risk.

They are, however, still harmful, regardless of how their manufacturers and seller define them to be. Never forget to use protective gear, as those substances can get to you through skin, lung, eye and/or mouth exposure.

Use protective gear

Protective gear includes chemical resistant gloves, long-sleeved clothing (preferably the chemical protective clothing – example of coverall from Amazon) and eye/face (examples of such gear from Amazon) protection.

Safe pesticides to use on scorpions

Examples of well working, safer pesticides are, in no particular order:

  • Garden Safe HG-93179 Neem Oil Extract Concentrate – check here
  • Eco Defence Home Pest Control Spray – check here
  • Safer Brand 5118-6 Insect Killing Soap Concentrate – check here
  • EcoSMART Home Pest Control – check here
  • Safer Brand 5130 Rose & Flower Organic Insect Killing Soap – check here
  • Garden Safe 80422 Houseplant and Garden Insect Killer – check here

Does Raid kill scorpions?

Yes, it does. In fact, Raid, a very well known titan in the pesticide/insecticide industry, has thought of a specific answer to pests such as spiders and scorpions, that can even kill them on contact. A very ergonomic choice, indeed.

Does Bleach kill scorpions?

Yes, it does. Scorpions, being small and nimble, like to crawl up drains and other such points of access. Thus, you can use bleach, which is toxic to them, by pouring it down said pipe/escape/sewage.

And by being ”relatively” safe to pour into the sewage system, it is even recommended to use bleach, instead of other, more toxic variants.

Does Home Defense kill scorpions?

According to its manufacturer, Home Defence can kill, as it contains active Bifenthrin, arachnids and other insects, including scorpions.

The maximum effect is said to be achieved when the pesticide is sprayed on dry surfaces and when it is not exposed to rain or subject to wet cleaning during the day.

The protection should be in effect for up to 12 months indoors and for up to three months outdoors.

Are scorpions dangerous? 

When talking of scorpions, everybody thinks of their primary method of dealing with ”threats” and food, namely their stinger and the venom it contains.

Fortunately, most stings, despite being incredibly painful, are not deadly. Unfortunately, this mostly applies to healthy adults only. Children, pregnant women and the elderly are quite at risk, especially when the injuries are not treated.

Thus, although not necessarily deadly, try to avoid being stung. Unless treated, they might even lead to excruciating pain, health complications, organ failure, and heart attacks.

Common US scorpion species

The most commonly met species of scorpions in the US are:

  • The Bark Scorpion
  • The Arizona Bark Scorpion
  • The Stripped-Tail Wood Scorpion
  • The Stripped Bark scorpion
  • The Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion
  • The Yellow Ground Scorpion