If you run a dishwasher, you will hear a lot of sounds. Some of the sounds are normal, while others are abnormal. For example, if your dishwasher generates a hissing sound, that is a typical sound. The hissing sound is due to water rushing through the inlet fill valve.
Other normal sounds you may hear are the slosh of water as the dishwasher is running or the hum of the pump. Abnormal sounds made by your dishwasher include squeals from the wash pump motor. This means the bearings are going bad. If the wash pump motor, wash pump or drain pump is broken, you may hear a loud buzzing noise.

There are other abnormal sounds you may hear, but do you know why your dishwasher is making such noises?
In this post, we discuss why your dishwasher makes loud noises, the causes, solutions, and even ways to soundproof your dishwasher.
What Are the Common Causes and Solutions of Noises Made by Your Dishwasher?
In the 1970s, 8 out of 10 Americans cleaned dishes in an old-fashioned way. How, you may ask. By scrubbing with sponge and soap. As of 2005, over 74% of US households have a dishwasher. The machine rinses the dirty dishes. While it does a fantastic job, you might want to know the noises it makes and what you can do.
Buzzing Noise
If your dishwasher is making a buzzing noise, that is normal. This is because the dishwasher forces the water down the drain. But if the dishwasher makes a loud banging sound, the issue could be the water hammer.
As the dishwasher runs, bursts of waters make the pipes to bang against the body of the dishwasher. To solve this problem, all you have to do is install a water hammer shock arrestor.
A buzzing noise could also indicate a problem with the wash pump motor. If the dishwasher makes a loud buzzing noise, it means the water pump motor is defective. If the pump is bad, call a professional.
The professional will release and remove the pump from the sump under the dishwasher tub. For optimal performance, the expert may replace the water seals.
Here is a good video on water pump troubleshooting:
Squealing Noise
A new dishwasher may make squealing noises on the first few runs. Do not be overly concerned with the noise. New dishwashers make the squealing noise when they do not have any water in them. The sound may also occur if you have not used your dishwasher for a long time.
To solve this problem, add one quart of water.
Thumping Noises
A thumping noise could be a result of the drain line hitting the back wall or the side of the cabinet when you run the dishwasher. If you recently installed the dishwasher, call a professional to readjust it.
If the thumping noise is frequent, the spray arm could be hitting items as it rotates. What you need to do is open the dishwasher and rearrange your dishes.
Grinding Noise
Your dishwasher may produce a grinding noise if there is an item or object lodged in the dishwasher, especially at the bottom. Such items or objects include cutlery or condiment containers, which may have fallen through the rack slits.
To resolve the issue (eliminate the grinding noise), switch off the dishwasher, locate the item(s) and dislodge it from the rack splits. Don’t forget to check for debris around the chopper blade. If the dishwasher makes a loud grinding noise, the problem could be the chopper blade.
Have it replaced by a specialist.
Repetitive Knocking Noise
If you hear a repetitive knocking noise from your dishwasher, the culprit could be the spray arm hitting items and objects as it rotates. To solve the issue, switch off the dishwasher, open it, and adjust the items inside. This will allow the spray arm to rotate freely.
Rattling Noise
Rattling noise is a sign that the dishes and other kitchenware are not correctly placed on the racks. As the dishwasher runs, the dishes and other kitchenware rattle and knock against each other. To solve this problem, shut off the dishwasher and rearrange the dishes.
If the rattling sound is loud, this is abnormal. If you hire a professional, you may discover the problem is with your plumbing. Sometimes a rattling sound could be a faulty motor. If you suspect the issue is not with the dishes but the motor, empty the dishwasher and run when it’s empty.
If the noise is present, call a professional.
How to Soundproof Your Dishwasher
Let’s face it. We desire to have peace at home. Unfortunately, many appliances in every house make noises – normal and abnormal. One of those appliances is the dishwasher.
The good news is, you can soundproof your dishwasher and have your home much quieter. Here are tips to help you soundproof your home.
Invest in a Dishwasher Sound Shield and Soundproofing Materials
The most effective way of soundproofing your dishwasher is to invest in a sound shield. The shield acts as a soundproofing blanket and absorbs all sounds generated by the dishwasher. To install the soundproofing material, unplug the dishwasher from the power source.
This ensures you are safe. Don’t forget to turn off the dishwasher’s water source. You need to remove the door panel. For this step, use a Philip’s head screwdriver. Start by removing the screws from the edge of the dishwasher and then remove the front panel.
Take measurements of the dishwasher – length, width, and depth. Depending on the measurements, buy the soundproofing material or acoustic panels (link to Amazon.com). Install the soundproofing material but remember, you may have to cut so that it fits. Here is a good tutorial for soundproofing a water pump, designing a soundproofing box for a dishwasher follows a similar process.
To install the sound shield around the dishwasher, remove the panels and the old insulation with needle pliers. Using rivets, insert the sound shield.
Install Anti-Vibration Pads
Example of anti-vibration pads from Amazon.com. Or small Rubber Pads.
Anti-vibration mats are the ideal solution for soundproofing your dishwasher. They help to reduce structural noise by absorbing vibrations made by your dishwasher.
The reason why the anti-vibration pads are useful is that they are typically made of a visco-elastic polymer. This material consists of a polyether-based polyurethane with a high damping coefficient.
To minimize the vibrations, order the anti-vibration pads from Amazon. You don’t need special skills to install the pads. It only takes 5 minutes, and you will remove the noise of the vibrations from your dishwasher.
Remember to buy anti vibrations pads made for washing machines as they are more effective.
Aside from reducing vibrations, the anti-vibration pads help to stabilize your dishwasher.
Use Foams Mats
Example of foam mats from Amazon.com.
Besides anti-vibration pads, you can install foam mats under your dishwasher. Made with sound absorption materials, the foam pads convert noise to heat energy. They absorb all noises generated by the dishwasher.
What you need to know is that the foam mats are waterproof, easy to clean, and lightweight. You may find foam mats that lock together in multiple configurations. They are impact absorbent and provide safety and support to your dishwasher.
What’s the Normal Sound Level of the Dishwasher?
One of the top factors to consider when shoppers are planning to buy a dishwasher is noise. A noisy dishwasher is a nuisance. Not only does it affect the kitchen, but it may be disruptive to your day to day chores. For example, it can disrupt your favorite Tv shows or movie.
Alternatively, it can wake up a sleeping baby or disrupt your conversations.
Before buying a dishwasher, it is crucial to understand what a decibel is. A decibel is a measurement unit of sound level. Measured as dB(A), it reflects the noise frequencies the human ear is sensitive to.
For example, 10 dB(A) is a decibel rating of normal breathing, 20 dB(A) is for a watch ticking or rustling leaves. These are ordinary sounds.
Some sounds have a higher decibel rating, for example, a jet flying over at 1000 ft has a decibel rating of 103 dB(A) while a garbage truck has a rating of 100 dB(A).
So, what is the sound level of a dishwasher? The sound level of a standard dishwasher is 46 to 60 decibels. While this may not sound like much, its loud enough to interrupt a normal conversation. Here are other home appliances and their average decibel rating.
- Refrigerator – 50 dB
- Vacuum Cleaner –70 dB
- Hair Dryer – 70 dB
- Washing Machine – 78 dB
From the decibel rating above, you can note that a dB(A) higher than 60 will interrupt a lot in your home. So, when shopping for a dishwasher, we recommend buying a silent model with a lower decibel rating – 38 to 40 dB(A).
With a silent model, you can run the dishwasher any time of day or night. As such, the dishwasher will not interrupt your activities, such as dinner conversations or your favorite TV shows. Modern dishwashers, even the portable ones, have an indicator light that alerts when it’s running.
This is because the model can be so quiet that you may forget it running. What you also need to know is that a quite dishwasher is energy efficient. This saves you on your monthly energy bills.
Shopping for a Silent Dishwasher
When shopping for a dishwasher today, it’s essential to pay attention to the dB(A) rating. Before adding the dishwasher to your cart, we recommend that you visit the manufacturer’s website. Search for the specific model and check the specifications.
If the model has a dB(A) rating of more than 40, it’s not suitable for your kitchen, but if it has a dB(A) rating of less than 30 or 40, then add it to your cart.
Remember, do not pay attention to advertising claims that a particular model has a dB(A) rating of 37 or 38. Take your time to find out for yourself.